Beck Seckler
Artist and Content Creator

Hi, I'm Beck! I'm a video creator, fiber artist, and cat lover. I do all sorts of fun, creative things that I like to share on the internet. Click around to explore my gallery and other fun pages!
I started crocheting back in 2016. I am self taught through YouTube and other websites. I am willing to make almost anything! Baby blankets, plushies, custom orders, just let me know! If you'd like to commission a piece from me, please complete the google form below.
You can browse my gallery below to get ideas for custom orders or take a look at my pre-made items on my depop shop here:
I've been going to furry conventions since 2017, but only recently started making fursuits with my friend Dog. In June of 2020 we joined forces and became Feral Candy Fursuits!

I've been to quite a few conventions at this point! Here are some that I've vended at before:
Fursonacon 2017
FurTheMore 2018
Megaplex 2018
Furrydelphia 2018
Fursonacon 2019
Midwest Fur Fest 2019
I will no longer be vending at furry conventions as What the Beck. Instead, I will be vending at the Feral Candy table, once cons start up again!Next convention: We'll just have to see!